Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Banging my Head Against the Wall

 I had the same conversation with the same person way too many times over the weekend. Listening to the same excuses over and over again. Wondering if the person in front of me could ever come to grips with reality and stop blaming others for her attitude and actions.

  The opportunity to change and start over can be done at anytime. We have a way of convincing ourselves otherwise and giving in to absurd ideas of ourselves and our future. Worrying the hell out of everything. Ummm...No,thank you!
Why not get excited about the possibilities? We can really surprises ourselves when we change our way of thinking from that "My life sucks." attitude to " Wow, life is good." attitude.

 I know that there so many wonderful things to be discovered about yourself. You have to want to be all those wonderful things and take a chance. 
Discover your true-self. 
Be inspired. 
Don't copy everything you see out there. 
Make it yours and share it. 
Be proud and happy.

I would really like to share a link with you. I found it while reading my favorite magazine Voice of Choices. The article by Sandy Brewer lifted my spirit. And now when I feel like I need nourishment for my worn out state of being I turn to it. I could not find the direct link for the article but here are a few great links nonetheless.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ear Candy