Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Energy

Ever have those days where you are really needy?  It seems like nothing is syncing up. Everything kind of feels out of whack. 
Not a good way to feel at all and it really affects those around you.  Even though it may take you a bit to get over the yuckiness inside you, just try to observe the energy around you. Oh, and keep your mouth quiet, because when you feel like a mess in your head words can come out sounding pretty mean.

It is hard to get up in the morning and not think about what needs to get done, but you can get so consumed by it that it throws you off balance. It is best to divide your time but even then it is hard to do that, especially when you are dealing with a tantrum from a little one. For some of us it can be especially tough because there is no one to immediate rely on, to touch, and just cry your eyes out cause it has been a tough day.

 I realize when I am overwhelmed I usually look to my partner, but he can be worn out too. I am fully aware that we all run out of energy. Some of us have so many responsibilities that when it comes to being around the ones we love, we simply do not have it in us. 

This neediness has me focused on perception and attitude. How you perceive what is happening in your life, shapes your life. I noticed how I was reacting to things I was not satisfied with and knew that I needed to change things. I focus on being a better person everyday and the only way I can do this is by changing the way I think and the way I react to it.

I start with being happy about the day I have awoken to, express gratitude for my children, my life, the many blessings and opportunities while I get ready for my day. Instead of getting annoyed by the toys all over the floor, I express gratitude for my home. The only way things can change is if I make an effort to change them. I know the Universe is on my side because my intentions are good, so if I change the way I see things and realize the goodness of these things I won't be set on my old expectations but a possibility for a new adventure.

Love and Light to you!