Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The New

It's been over a year since my last post. The month of my last post I found out I was pregnant. JOY! Yes! JOY! I was moving in to new place with the Man I love. Recorded music and created new songs with amazing talented people. Started a job doing what I love to do. We were starting a family. So many wonderful new things were going on. I could barely wrap my head around it all. Well the same happened with all the bad things,too.
In my fifth month of pregnancy I got the worst sciatica ever. It was likely that I got it from all the standing I did at work combined with all the weight I gained. I'm not complaining about the weight; I was working on having one healthy and beautiful baby. I didn't mind the work. I wanted to work I just couldn't stand all the pain! I had to stop working out so I wouldn't overdo it completely then I had to stop working altogether. It was the beginning of a lot of changes that were going to be hard for me to deal with. Staying home?
Not my favorite thing to do. I guess it wouldn't have been so bad if I could get around. But the pain I had from the sciatica and the swelling feet counted out comfortable walks and ummm basically anything was physical. The worst thing ever! Totally not cool. While I was whining about all the things I couldn't do. Shaun enrolled himself in school and had started working and attending ITT full-time. I was proud of how he stepped up. A few weeks after we found out about our little one growing inside of me he made the decision to make a change that would benefit our family. He has discovered his passion for learning and has chosen to keep going all the way. Way to go, Manbaby! Spiral out!
I think that though all I was really counting on good things to happen immediately. I was looking for an outlet and then gave up as easily as I hoped for one. I started to get angry about everything. Especially about how lonely I felt. Depression soon set in and all I could do was deny that I was. That made it harder to deal with. While doing my worst at looking on the upside, the days seemed to get longer and my due date seemed like it couldn't come soon enough.
My sweet Baby Girl arrived on 10/10/10. I ended up having a Cesarean section because she wasn't head down when I went into labor. Until this day I am still recovering from the c-section. My body still has a long way to go as well. I do as much is possible considering how busy I am. I am working on my strength every day while Lilliana is helping me pace myself.


  1. im glad i got to be a big part of the journey for you girl, rem when we went and danced @ KASKADE, and we would hang out all the time, and i would commute all the way to puyallup to visit u. ;) and yes the baby being born on those digits are a good sign ;) <3 u!

  2. Those are some of my most favorite days! I still talk about that night with you! Super Fun!
