Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Energy

Ever have those days where you are really needy?  It seems like nothing is syncing up. Everything kind of feels out of whack. 
Not a good way to feel at all and it really affects those around you.  Even though it may take you a bit to get over the yuckiness inside you, just try to observe the energy around you. Oh, and keep your mouth quiet, because when you feel like a mess in your head words can come out sounding pretty mean.

It is hard to get up in the morning and not think about what needs to get done, but you can get so consumed by it that it throws you off balance. It is best to divide your time but even then it is hard to do that, especially when you are dealing with a tantrum from a little one. For some of us it can be especially tough because there is no one to immediate rely on, to touch, and just cry your eyes out cause it has been a tough day.

 I realize when I am overwhelmed I usually look to my partner, but he can be worn out too. I am fully aware that we all run out of energy. Some of us have so many responsibilities that when it comes to being around the ones we love, we simply do not have it in us. 

This neediness has me focused on perception and attitude. How you perceive what is happening in your life, shapes your life. I noticed how I was reacting to things I was not satisfied with and knew that I needed to change things. I focus on being a better person everyday and the only way I can do this is by changing the way I think and the way I react to it.

I start with being happy about the day I have awoken to, express gratitude for my children, my life, the many blessings and opportunities while I get ready for my day. Instead of getting annoyed by the toys all over the floor, I express gratitude for my home. The only way things can change is if I make an effort to change them. I know the Universe is on my side because my intentions are good, so if I change the way I see things and realize the goodness of these things I won't be set on my old expectations but a possibility for a new adventure.

Love and Light to you!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Greetings to All

Hello! I know it has been a long while. Learning to find a balance has meant that I have had to put off some of the things I love to do. It has been a journey that has made me aware of a completely different personality and patience I didn't know existed within me. But we can talk more about that later.

Recently, I created a page on Facebook that emphasises on inspiration and positivity much like this page from resources that I am truly grateful for. However, this blog is my first love of sharing positive messages and I would like to start sharing those treasures on this page and connect with others who share the same passion for life and positivity as I do.

 I want to thank everyone who supports this page and that has popped in from time-to-time to see if anything new has occurred. Sorry it took so long for me to post, but now I am going to make time to convey the messages of the Universe that I receive. 

Lately, it seems like everything is saying, reach for yours dreams. Much like yourself I strive to be better every day and find ways to  live my dream. I am fulfilled in my family life and want to pursue a professional career helping others who want to start a business. To me that means channeling positivity, achieving my goals, and making time for the things I love. As easy as it is to say, we know it isn't always easy. Which made me think about all the hard work I put into making things happen. Sometimes people talk about  jealousy.  Yeah, it  has been tossed around in some of the conversations I have had with others and it made me wonder what exactly people are jealous of. 

Are they jealous of the idea of having something or all the hard work a person had to put into earning that home, car, degree, or special someone? I am sure it isn't the work they envy. It takes time management, goal setting, communication with others, honesty, a logical and realistic approach and persistence to make things happen. 

 Lying and manipulation are not a way to earn anything in life. Making a conscience effort to do something and staying focused takes a lot of willpower and as tough as it is, is worth it. With that being said, I want to acknowledge that having a support system you expect to get materialistic things from is wrong, earn everything, be honest and you will get what you deserve and then some.

Blessings to you all!

Glad to be back 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Banging my Head Against the Wall

 I had the same conversation with the same person way too many times over the weekend. Listening to the same excuses over and over again. Wondering if the person in front of me could ever come to grips with reality and stop blaming others for her attitude and actions.

  The opportunity to change and start over can be done at anytime. We have a way of convincing ourselves otherwise and giving in to absurd ideas of ourselves and our future. Worrying the hell out of everything. Ummm...No,thank you!
Why not get excited about the possibilities? We can really surprises ourselves when we change our way of thinking from that "My life sucks." attitude to " Wow, life is good." attitude.

 I know that there so many wonderful things to be discovered about yourself. You have to want to be all those wonderful things and take a chance. 
Discover your true-self. 
Be inspired. 
Don't copy everything you see out there. 
Make it yours and share it. 
Be proud and happy.

I would really like to share a link with you. I found it while reading my favorite magazine Voice of Choices. The article by Sandy Brewer lifted my spirit. And now when I feel like I need nourishment for my worn out state of being I turn to it. I could not find the direct link for the article but here are a few great links nonetheless.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ear Candy

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The New

It's been over a year since my last post. The month of my last post I found out I was pregnant. JOY! Yes! JOY! I was moving in to new place with the Man I love. Recorded music and created new songs with amazing talented people. Started a job doing what I love to do. We were starting a family. So many wonderful new things were going on. I could barely wrap my head around it all. Well the same happened with all the bad things,too.
In my fifth month of pregnancy I got the worst sciatica ever. It was likely that I got it from all the standing I did at work combined with all the weight I gained. I'm not complaining about the weight; I was working on having one healthy and beautiful baby. I didn't mind the work. I wanted to work I just couldn't stand all the pain! I had to stop working out so I wouldn't overdo it completely then I had to stop working altogether. It was the beginning of a lot of changes that were going to be hard for me to deal with. Staying home?
Not my favorite thing to do. I guess it wouldn't have been so bad if I could get around. But the pain I had from the sciatica and the swelling feet counted out comfortable walks and ummm basically anything was physical. The worst thing ever! Totally not cool. While I was whining about all the things I couldn't do. Shaun enrolled himself in school and had started working and attending ITT full-time. I was proud of how he stepped up. A few weeks after we found out about our little one growing inside of me he made the decision to make a change that would benefit our family. He has discovered his passion for learning and has chosen to keep going all the way. Way to go, Manbaby! Spiral out!
I think that though all I was really counting on good things to happen immediately. I was looking for an outlet and then gave up as easily as I hoped for one. I started to get angry about everything. Especially about how lonely I felt. Depression soon set in and all I could do was deny that I was. That made it harder to deal with. While doing my worst at looking on the upside, the days seemed to get longer and my due date seemed like it couldn't come soon enough.
My sweet Baby Girl arrived on 10/10/10. I ended up having a Cesarean section because she wasn't head down when I went into labor. Until this day I am still recovering from the c-section. My body still has a long way to go as well. I do as much is possible considering how busy I am. I am working on my strength every day while Lilliana is helping me pace myself.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dancing in Neptune's Song

I really am enjoying the rhythm of my life. One move changed so much for me. When it got rough I reminded myself that LOVE was constant. There was a time when I let anger take charge and the ability to control my feelings seemed impossible. Living with the Man I love and who has unconditionally loved me has been exciting.
We are two people who never want to stop learning especially if it means we are better for it. I am learning how to love and how to communicate better.

I have such a big heart. I love to give, to help and to listen. My new job gives me the opportunity to do these things that make me happy in turn. I am passionate about what I do which is what I have been looking forward to doing for some time now.
I haven't forgotten about all the ways that have helped me get to this point. I have reconnected with the sources that have blessed me.

The days ahead are filled with wonderful stories to share.

Photo by: Veronica Marie Silva